Manglik Dosh
Manglik dosh, one of the most dreaded concepts of Vedic Astrology. It is said that if Mars is placed in any of the houses which are 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12 of a horoscope, a Manglik Dosh is said to be formed in the horoscope which can create serious trouble to the married life of the native suffering this Dosh. The actual formation of Manglik dosh however requires additional conditions to be met in a horoscope and these conditions as well as the malefic effects of Manglik dosh formed in a horoscope have been discussed in details through many articles published in this section of the website.
Some astrologers believe that going to Trayambakeshwar temple of Lord Shiva in Nasik or Ujjain and performing a short pooja there can rectify this dosh but when Manglik dosh is actually formed in a horoscope, many different kinds of astrological remedies may be required to rectify or pacify this dosh in the horoscope and though these remedies may be different from horoscope to horoscope but generally a Manglik Dosh nivaran pooja which is also called Mangalik Dosh Nivaran Pooja is one remedy which is suitable in most of the cases of this dosh.
Manglik Dosh Nivaran Pooja
First step is to chant mantras in pooja in order to rectify the Dosh and reduce it strength which could stretch to as long as 1, 25,000 in number. In Manglik Dosh Nivarna Pooja we worship Mars and perform pooja accordingly in order to pacify the effects of mars and rectify Manglik Dosh. A Manglik Dosh Nivarna Pooja includes 1, 25,000 chants generally and a specific day for the start and end of the pooja as scheduled. Like any other pooja, Manglik Dosh Nivarna Pooja starts with the head pundit taking Oath on behalf of everyone known as “Sankalpam”. In Sankalam, Head pundit takes the name of the native, names of the pundits in group that are from 5to 7 in numbers and native’s father name. He resolves to complete the pooja in scheduled time in desired manner and as a result the native on whose behalf pooja has been done, should be blessed by reducing the effects of malefic planets and hence, Mangal Dosh.
After Sankalpam ceremony, all the pundits keep on performing pooja everyday for 8 to 9 hours in order to complete the pooja in proposed time. When the pundits are done chanting all the mantras of the pooja, a completion ceremony is organized which takes around 2 to 3 hours. In completion ceremony varies deities like lord Shiva, goddess Parvati, Lord Ganesha and other members of Shiva family are worshiped with offerings of Pooja ceremony like honey curd, flowers, ghee etc. Pundits keep on repeating in the ceremony that they have performed the pooja in desired time and manner. So With the successful completion of Manglik Dosh Nivarna Pooja, the native should be blessed with benefits and removal of malefic effects and thus Manglik Dosh.
After the completion of this puja, native is asked to take blessing from the god and goddess and then starts the “Havana”. This is the final and most important ceremony of the pooja. In this ceremony Pundits help to establish direct connection between the mars and the native. This is dome through various specific Ved Mantras. With completion of each mantra, a swaaha sound is produced and with the end of each sound, an offering that forms pooja samaghri is delivered to holy fire or Yagna. This process is repeated for long. At the end the native is supposed to offer coconut filed with specific items to the holy fire. This marks the completion of Havana and thus Manglik Dosh Nivarna Pooja. These steps may differ and the time can stretch with specific cases with Manglik Dosh.
There are some precautions that should be observed by the native while the pooja is being performed in order for the successful completion of Manglik Dosh Nivarna Pooja. These precautions are as follows:
The native should eat only vegetarian food till the completion of pooja.
One should not consume alcohol.
Refrain from smoking.
Should not get involved in any act of violence.
Avoid sexual contacts with partner irrespective of married or unmarried.
Should try as much to get involved in pooja.
Should repeat mantras for he pooja along with pandit.